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Wednesday September 16, 2020


Open the attachment below. If you have a printer, please print the page. Have your child write their name at the top of the page. Go through each step of the page with your child.

Have a conversation:

- What is your favorite game to play from the options given at the top of the page?

- Why is it your favorite? etc.

With a pencil, guide your child to trace over the words below. When they get to the blank, look above to see how to spell the word, let them copy it. Continue on.

If you do not have a printer, do not worry! Do your best to recreate the page!


Day and Night Sorting Activity

Look at the poster below with your child. Talk about other things you might see during the day or at night.

Print the page below. Have your child cut along each line to separate each of the pieces. After finished cutting, sort each of the pictures below which heading they belong.


ABC Rocks

-You will need 26 rocks with a letter of the alphabet (A-Z) written on each one. You could also use seashells, alphabet magnets, foam letters or any sturdy material from your home. Use a permanent marker to print the uppercase letter on one side and lowercase letter on the other side. 

-You will also need 10 rocks. On 5 rocks print the numbers 1-5 and on the other 5 rocks draw the corresponding number of dots for 1-5. Please keep these in a Ziploc bag for future use throughout the year.

When you are finished creating/finding your rocks or whichever material you choose to use, I want your child to get all their alphabet rocks out. Scramble them all up, and work through putting them back into alphabetical order. Practice saying each letter name as well as the letter sound.


Story time

*Disclaimer: This lesson contains links to YouTube videos. We cannot control advertisements that may appear when these videos are viewed or opened. Please be sure to supervise children at all times when viewing YouTube links in case disturbing or inappropriate material unexpectedly appears.

Find a comfy spot and curl up in a blanket. Listen to the story Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes.

When the story is over talk about where your name came from. Did your parents name you after someone special? Talk about how Chrysanthemum felt about her name at the beginning. How do you feel about your name? 

Click the link below to listen to Chrysanthemum



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