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Wednesday January 27, 2021


Today we are going to be completing letter A. You will need both sets of papers (As seen below) for this activity.

Take a picture/video of your child while they are working and also of their work and upload it to Seesaw


Listen to the Jolly phonics song - Jolly Phonics Letter A

ACTION: Wiggle your fingers along your arm as if ants were crawling on it, and say a, a, a!

Complete the letter A card

Find the letter A card. Color it. Practice saying the letter sound of the cards you have completed and doing the actions as well.

Take a picture of your child's work and upload it to Seesaw

StoryBots letter A video


Winter Wonderland


Story time: The Couch Potato


Free Choice Exploration:

Choose at least one activity to complete!

  1. Measure how tall each person in your family is using blocks on the ground

  2. Snowball counting toss: Cut a few pieces of paper into fourths and write a number on each one. Crumble them up. Toss them around the room. Grab a snowball and open it up, say the number that is inside, crumble it up, toss it again, and grab another one.

  3. Make a book: Staple pieces of paper together to make a little book. Then use pictures and words to make the book.

  4. Puzzle it! Write the letters (Ex. Aa) or a word on a small piece of paper, then cut it up into 2-5 pieces. Put the puzzles back together.

  5. Q-Tip Paint: Use Q-Tips and paint to write or dot letters/words/shapes/numbers.


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