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Thursday January 28, 2021


Today in your journal (or just on a blank sheet of lined paper), I want you to...

Tell me about one thing you have learned so far in Kindergarten!


Tell me something you have loved about Kindergarten so far

Encourage exploration with letters... Please do not write for them or tell them what to spell, I want this to be a completely independent task!!

This journal could end up being a sentence, a couple letters, letters and pictures. -- THIS DOES NOT NEED TO BE PERFECT!!!

Post a picture on Seesaw!!!


Seesaw activity

Alphabet Flip and Match Memory Game

  • Access this activity through your Seesaw account!



(Choose at least 2) - Today there will be organizing/sorting options, STEM, STEAM

Organizing and sorting

  1. Legos: Use Legos or any other collection of items to plan and act upon ways for sorting. This promotes the development of your child’s executive functions!

2. Animal Traits: Dinosaurs. Grab a your dinosaur figurines, a group of stuffed animals, or any set of creatures and talk about their common (or uncommon) attributes.

Science Inquiry: STEM Elements

  1. Shadow Exploration - Have fun introducing STEM topics, by exploring the natural world. Head out at different times of the day to observe the shadows you make and the shadows of other things (trees, cars, your house, etc.) Have any sidewalk chalk? Trace your feet while standing. Then, trace your shadow at the morning, again at noon, and then in late afternoon. Make sure your feet are in the same spot each time!! No chalk? Take pictures on your phone!

2. Fossils: Salt Dough and Seashells Make your own imprint (mold fossils) with Play-doh, salt dough, clay, or even hard-packed mud! Get a variety of items to have fun pressing them down, so you can observe the imprints.

STEAM Activities

  1. Create shadow art: Find all your interestingly shaped toys and create some shadow art! This is incredibly engaging. Plus, the fun doesn’t end with the tracing. Afterwards, you color or add a variety of mediums to embellish your artwork!

2. Construct Box Buildings: Grab those empty boxes, do some planning, then begin construction! We focused on Community Buildings like hospitals, police stations, fire stations, and schools. After some research and sketches, we created!


Game to play at home

  1. 👀The first person says something they see, for example, "I see a TALL tree."

  2. 🗣The next person must quickly find something that is the opposite of that, so they could say, "I see a SHORT dog."

  3. How fast can you name the opposite?

  4. See how many different opposites you can find: big/little, full/empty, loud/quiet, rough/smooth, up/down, closed/open and more!


Last Day with Mrs. Rodeback!!!

I just want to say thank you for everything these past 5 months. I have had so much fun teaching these kiddos online. Thank you for learning along with us and supporting the kids each and every day in all that we do. It has been so wonderful getting to know you all as well as developing a relationship with each of the kids. It has been such a pleasure watching them learn and grow, and I am so excited to see what their futures hold for them!!

All the best!



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