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Tuesday January 26, 2021

All About Me - Booklet

  • When I grow up, I want to be a...

As a class we are going to read a story together about community helpers, after this, we will be able to complete the page in our workbook!

If you weren't in class today, you can find the book we read on epic (see below) ---


Polar Bear Workbook

  • Polar Particulars: Draw or write four new Polar Bear facts that you have learned during our study!


Numeracy Activities:

Choose at least two of the following to do with your child.

#1) Make patterns with beads, pompoms or blocks.

#2) Play roll and build - Roll a dice and count out the same number of blocks. Add the blocks to your tower.

#3) Bake a yummy treat - Use the recipe to measure the ingredients.

#4) Go on a shape walk - Either inside or outside. Find a shape, say what shape it is and describe the shape (how many faces? edges? etc)


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