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Tuesday January 5, 2021

Welcome Back!!!!

I hope you had a great break with your family and were able to rest and stay healthy!!


Today in your journal, I want you to...

Tell me about something fun you did during the holidays


Tell me about you favorite gift that you received

Encourage exploration with letters... (don't tell them the letters) Please do not write for them or tell them what to spell, I want this to be a completely independent task!!

This journal could end up being a sentence, a couple letters, letters and pictures. -- THIS DOES NOT NEED TO BE PERFECT!!!

Post a picture on Seesaw!!!

Seesaw Activity -

Squirrels New Years Resolution

This activity is assigned on Seesaw. Please use your mobile app or this link to access the site!

Click here for website: Seesaw

Movement Activity

Yoga (relaxation)

Optional Activity

Build a snowman out of marshmallows. (mini or regular .. or a different household item if you don't have any marshmallows!!)

  • How many big snowballs usually makes up a snowman? 3

  • Can you make your snowman have that many snowballs (marshmallows)?

  • Can you stack more on top of your snowman? How many snowballs high can you make your snowman?


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