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Thursday October 29 , 2020


Today I want to continue journaling with our class. If you have a small journal/notebook with lined paper inside, that would be perfect! If not, a lined piece of paper will work great too.

Topic Today: Tell me everything about your Halloween costume and what you are going to be! If you do not celebrate Halloween or your child is not dressing up this year, have you child write about their favorite character or something they might like to dress up as.

Encourage exploration with letters... (don't tell them the letters) Please do not write for them or tell them what to spell, I want this to be a completely independent task today!!

This journal could end up being a sentence, a couple letters, letters and pictures, or pictures.

Post a picture on Seesaw!!!


Letter Matching (third page in the stapled booklet)


Q-Tip Skeleton

Today you will be making a skeleton out of Q-tips. You will also need the black piece of paper that was sent home with the skeleton and the bows/bow ties stapled to it as well as some glue and scissors.

#1) Cut out the skeleton's head glue it towards the top of your page.

#2) Cut out one (or both) of the bows. You may use one in the skeletons 'hair' or as a bow tie

#3) Use the Q-Tips to create the skeletons body.

- Start with the spine: use one q-tip straight down from the head

- Add arms (don't forget fingers!)

- Add your skeletons ribs

- Add legs and feet

Post on Seesaw!


Storytime - Creepy Pair of Underwear

- This story will be in the Independent Lessons tab at the top of the page


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