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Thursday October 22, 2020


Today I want to start journaling with our class. If you have a small journal/notebook with lined paper inside, that would be perfect! If not, a lined piece of paper will work great too.

Topic Today: Write about something that you love (this can be anything your child wants!!)

Encourage exploration with letters... What does that word sound like? -- (don't tell them the letters) Please do not write for them or tell them what to spell, I want this to be a completely independent task today!!

This journal could end up being a sentence, a couple letters, letters and pictures, or pictures. Just encourage your child to write about something they love!

Post a picture on Seesaw!!!


All About Me Booklet

We will be completing one page in our All About Me Booklet today!

Please take a picture when it is completed and post on Seesaw!!!


Video your child reading a story

- They do not have to be reading the words exactly (if they can, great!!)

- If they can't read, encourage them to find letters that they know -- what does that letter sound like?

- Tell a story by looking at the pictures!

Post on Seesaw!!!


Storytime - Guji Guji

This lesson will be in the independent lessons tab

Steps to get there:

- Scroll to the top of this page

- Click 'Independent Lessons'

- Scroll down until you see the post that says, "Guji Guji"

- Click the post.

- Read the instructions and complete the activities.


FRIDAY PACKAGE PICK-UP - Friday October 23

Hello parents! We are going to be having another package pick-up this Friday October 23. The pick up will be at Lakeview Elementary School from 9:30-11:30am. The packages will be outside of the front doors in two blue bins, labelled with your child's name.

Please let me know if your family is unable to pick up the package and we I will do my best to find alternate ways to get it to you!


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