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Thursday November 12, 2020


We will be playing number bingo as a class today. In your child's package, they should have a bingo sheet (two sided) within a clear page protector.

  • Today we are going to be using the side that says Page #1 at the top.

  • For today, I want your child to fill in the boxes with their dry erase marker with any numbers from 0-10 that they choose.

  • They can put the numbers wherever they want in the boxes.

  • They can only use each number one time.

  • Make sure all the boxes are filled!

I am going to call out numbers. When your child hears the number called, they need to find it on their sheet and put a marker on that number (or draw an X through it).



Today I want to continue journaling with our class. If you have a small journal/notebook with lined paper inside, that would be perfect! If not, a lined piece of paper will work great too.

Topic Today: What is your favorite food?

Encourage exploration with letters... (don't tell them the letters) Please do not write for them or tell them what to spell, I want this to be a completely independent task!!

This journal could end up being a sentence, a couple letters, letters and pictures, or pictures.

Post a picture on Seesaw!!!


All About Me Booklet

We will be completing the next page in our book, 'My Favorite Toy is'

Post a picture on Seesaw!!!


Seesaw Activity - Rhyming Sort

This activity will be completed on the Seesaw App (or website) -- whichever you have been using so far this year.

You will find this in your activities tab!


Reminder: No school tomorrow, it is our 'off Friday' ! Have a great weekend!


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