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Thursday January 21, 2021


Look at the picture below of the Zones of Regulation. This is something I like to use in my classroom when the kids are physically with me! How are you feeling today? What color/zone are you in?

Today in your journal (or just on a blank sheet of lined paper), I want you to...

Tell me about how you feel today! What zone are you in?

Encourage exploration with letters... (don't tell them the letters) Please do not write for them or tell them what to spell, I want this to be a completely independent task!!

This journal could end up being a sentence, a couple letters, letters and pictures. -- THIS DOES NOT NEED TO BE PERFECT!!!

Post a picture on Seesaw!!!


All About Me Book

Some of the games or activities that I like are...

  • Write at least two games/activities that you like to do! In the box to the left, draw a picture of one or both of the activities.

  • Color the pictures.


Numeracy Activities:

Choose at least two of the following to do with your child.

#1) Parents: Write numbers on a bunch of post-its and spread them out, have your child put them in order to create a number line.

#2) Make different shapes with popsicle sticks, pipe cleaners, stick pretzels etc.

#3) Play go fish

#4) Shaving cream write and draw: Draw numbers and shapes in shaving cream.

#5) Sort coins by kind and color. Which pile has the most/least? (This can also be done with small toys/cars/snacks etc.


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