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Monday September 14, 2020

Scissor Hold Lesson

1) Please watch this video to help ensure your child is holding their scissors properly. There are some very good tips that Mlle. Jory gives!!

Always remember:

- The scissor hand does the least amount of work

- The hand that holds the paper does the most work

- Keep your elbows tucked down

- Keep scissors out in front of you

- Keep scissors pointing up

2) If you have a printer, print off the page below 'straight and zigzag lines pdf'. If you do not have a printer, you can draw lines on a blank paper for your child to cut along. Have your child cut along each of the lines on the two pages. When finished, send me a picture on Seesaw so that we can track our progress and see how much we improve! Please allow your child to cut on their own even if they can not stay on the lines.


Read to Self

Have your child find a nice quite spot where they can sit still. Allow them to sit and look at multiple books. They can read, pretend to read, look through the pictures, make up stories, etc. If your child is struggling to sit still, ask them questions about the books they are reading. - What do you think is happening?

- Where is this character going? What are they doing?

- Tell me about this story

- What do you think is going to happen? What happens next? etc.

You can finish off 'Read to Self' by reading a story to your child!


Sort the Shapes by color

1) Go to your child's Seesaw Class account.

2) Click the 'activities' tab

3) Under the Sort by color activity, it will say 'add' (on the app) or click 'add response' (on laptop/desktop)

4) At the bottom of the page, click the little hand that looks like it is pointing to a box. This will allow your child to move the shapes into the correct color circle.

5) When finished, push the green check mark to submit.

Sorting colors activity #2!

After you have completed your Seesaw task, I want you to go outside and find things around your house and sort them into colors.

  • How many colors did you find?

  • What color did you find the most of?

  • How many objects did you find?

  • What was your favorite color that you found?


Story Time


Get to know you!

I have loved being able to slowly get to know each of you! But I want to know more!! On a piece of paper, I want you to write your name the very best you can (remember to use proper pencil grip!) - you can use a highlighter for your child to trace if they need. I also want you to draw a picture of something you love! Make sure you use lots of colors and do your best to make it nice and neat. Take a picture of your completed name and drawing on Seesaw so that I can see it and learn about what you love!



For our lesson tomorrow, you will need food coloring and corn starch.


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