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Friday October 2, 2020


Letters and Numbers Sort

- Everything you need to complete this assignment is on Seesaw under the Activities tab.


Field Trip Friday

Put on your wellies and let's head to the farm!

Wellies are another word for rubber boots. You will not want to get your runners dirty at the horse farm. Watch the video together and talk about what you learned. 

For example, I learned that a horse is measured in something called hams and that a girl horse is called a mare. I also learned that horses need to be fed three times a day just like people!

Extension activity:

Grab your journal or a blank piece of paper and draw yourself at a horse farm. Include as many details as you can in your picture. You can add letters and words to your drawing too. You could label the parts of the horse, write a sentence about what is happening in your picture or give your picture a title. Remember to say the word you are printing slowly and stretch out the sounds you hear.

*Please note that invented spelling is encouraged at this age and students are not expected to be writing yet. Your child might print 'horse' any of the following ways: h, hs, hrs or hors. Celebrate any marks or letters on the paper and make printing fun!


Starfall Website - Exploration

Starfall Education Foundation is a publicly supported nonprofit organization. They create free and low-cost experiences where children can successfully learn through exploration and Games (online).

I have attached the Starfall website below. Please feel free to take a look before you let your child explore the website - I strongly encourage you to stay with your child while they are playing the games etc.


Optional - Noodle Sensory Bin

Place dry noodles in a sensory bin. Add a couple measuring cups, tongs, bowls, etc to the tub and allow your child to explore.


SMALL GROUP MEETINGS I am hoping to start having small group meetings next week with the kids. These will be groups of 4-6, just to allow me to have more time to personally work with the kids. Your child will have one small group meeting a week, along with our daily class meetings each day at 8:45 (like we have been doing for the past month).

These meetings will start at 9:30-9:45AM and 9:45-10:00AM. I will let you know your child's time ASAP!



**Parent item OPTIONAL pick up! **  For next week's lessons (Oct 5-9) students will need to have a turkey page printed as well as a colouring activity.   I have attached them below and will also be sending them in an email.  If you are unable to print these pages out, please let me know and I will have them out in the bin for pick up at Lakeview Elementary School between 9-11:30 on Friday.  If you have access to a printer at home, there is no supply pick up for you this week.


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