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Friday November 20, 2020

Updated: Nov 24, 2020

Field Trip Friday

- Visit a Recycling Center


Story time: Chicka Chicka 123


Movement - with number rocks

For this activity you will need the 10 number rocks you made at the beginning of the year. Five rocks should have numbers 1-5 and the other five should have numbers 1-5 in dots.

  1. Mix all 10 rocks together

  2. Pick a rock, say out loud what the number is, or count the dots (depending what rock you grab)

  3. Find the rock with the matching number of dots or the matching numeral

  4. Find the matching number below

  5. Do that number of the exercise

1 - push up

2 - sit ups

3 - froggy jumps

4 - squats

5 - jumping jacks


- I pick up my number 5 rock, out loud I will say, "5!". I will find the rock with 5 dots on it, then I will then do 5 jumping jacks.

- Next I pick a rock with 2 dots on it, I will say "2!!". I will find the rock with the number 2. I will then do 2 sit ups.



Right now through the end of the day today

(Office closes at 11:45-12:00)!

@Lakeview Elementary School


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