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Friday January 22, 2021

Polar Bear Book

(We will start this in our morning meeting together)

Compare Yourself to a Polar Bear

Today we are going to compare and contrast ourselves to polar bears.

  • On the left portion of the circles you are going to write ways in which polar bears are different from humans. (They have fur, sharp claws, can run as fast as a horse... etc.)

  • In the middle you will put ways in which polar bears and humans are the same. (Both need food and water to survive, need to stay warm, have teeth, have babies... etc.)

  • On the right side you will put how humans are different from polar bears. (Don't have fur covering our bodies, walk on two feet... etc.)

This is an example of a Venn Diagram.

- A venn diagram is something used to compare and contrast 2-3 items.


Field Trip Friday: Sledding in the Snow


Story Time: The Very Cranky Bear


Letters/Words/Writing Activities

  • Choose 2 (or more) of the following:

#1) Make an ABC book - Staple pages together to make a book. Then write the alphabet to make the book.

#2) Car Writing! - Write letters/words with tape on the floor or a big piece of paper. Drive the cars on the letters/words.

#3) Make a shopping list with pictures and words

#4) Salt tray - Put salt in the bottom of a tray or plate. Make the letter/word in the salt with your fingers.

#5) Mystery Write! - Write letters/words/names with a white crayon. Then paint over it with watercolor to make it appear.


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