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Wednesday September 9, 2020

Hand Washing and Germs Lesson Pt. 2


I’m sure everyone will be washing their hands numerous times today. With adult help, count forwards from 1 to 20 and then next time count backwards from 20 to 1. Make it fun and get creative with what you can do in 20 seconds or what you can do 20 times:

  • Count how long it takes to cover both hands completely in suds from the soap?

  • How many cheerios can you eat in 20 seconds?

  • Can you run around the living room 20 times?

  • Can you run up the stairs 20 times?

  • Can you do 20 jumping jacks? Pushups? Sit-ups? 


Watch the Mystery Doug video (5:27): How Does Hand Sanitizer Kill Germs?


First Seesaw Activity!!

I am so excited to start using Seesaw with all of our Kindergarten families. Below, I am going to give you a task to do with your child that you will submit on Seesaw. If you have not yet signed up to our class Seesaw, I will also provide the instructions below that.


1) Watch this video about Seesaw:

2) Go to your Seesaw Class app/web browser and log in.

3) Push the green +add button.

4) Click 'Drawing'

5) Have your child create a drawing of something they love. Please include a shape (from the side bar) and multiple colors - instructions on how to do this are in the video above. Remember, please do not do this for your child. You may support them, but I want to see their work. I want this to be a time for you and your child to explore the app/website and this drawing feature, have fun!!

6) When your child is finished their drawing, click the green check mark at the top right corner. Congratulations! Your first drawing has been submitted to your teacher!

Signing up for Seesaw Instructions:

If you are using Seesaw for the first time:

  1. Go to

  2. Choose "I’m a Student"

  3. Type in the code: JLTZ TLPA. This code expires on September 15, 2020

  4. Finish creating your account using your school Google account or email address

If you have used Seesaw before and already have an account:

  1. Go to

  2. Choose "I’m a Student"

  3. Sign in using your school email address

  4. Click on your profile icon on the top left

  5. Click on the +Join Class button

  6. Type in the code: JLTZ TLPA. This code expires on September 15, 2020

Optional - Here are a couple more videos you can watch about Seesaw if you still have more questions or any problems:



- Have your child look at books on their own for 10-15 minutes. Even when children can not read on their own it is beneficial for them to look at books and even 'pretend' they are reading. Teach them the proper way to hold a book, how to flip the pages, pointing to each word, etc.

- Read to your child

- Watch this video of Mrs. Rodeback reading the book 'Shy Scarecrow Goes to School'

Unite for Literacy is a website that has wonderful non-fiction age appropriate books for kindergarten students. Feel free to explore other non-fiction books on this website!


Art Extension Activity

Follow along to the video below. You can have your child complete this task right in the Seesaw Class app, or they can draw on a piece of paper with crayons and you can take a picture and upload it into Seesaw so that I can see it!!


Have a great day and I will see you tomorrow morning!


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