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Friday September 4, 2020

Updated: Sep 4, 2020

I am so glad you made it here! Great work! This is where I am going to post our daily activities that you need to complete, so this is where you will come each day after our morning meeting!!

Today, you are going to watch this video of Mrs. Rodeback reading a story called "Froggy Goes To School". After you listen to the story, I want you to draw a picture about the book! It can be anything you want, as long as you try your best. I usually would ask you to take a picture of your drawing and send it to me, but we wont worry about that quite yet.

  • When we get more comfortable with our technology, I will introduce you all to Seesaw and explain exactly how it works. Seesaw is the app that we are going to use for our students' 'learning portfolio', and that is where you will be sending me all of their work. For example, if I give you an activity to do with your child and ask you to send me a picture back of what you did - this is where you will send it. Because everything will all be sent on Seesaw, it really helps me to keep things organized. We may also be asked to complete some activities on Seesaw (but please don't stress, I will explain what all this means when we are ready to use it).

Watch the video below and complete your task!

Have a great weekend Kindergarteners! I will see you on Tuesday morning!!

(Monday is Labour Day so it is a holiday). Please log in on Tuesday before 8:55 when we will be doing attendance.

Tuesday: 8:30 am - I am available for parent support if you have any questions or problems

8:45 am - Lobby Time (Attendance, greeting)

9:00 am - LIVE Lesson


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