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Wednesday September 23, 2020


Today for printing we will be continuing on with our letter F. We will be using 'My Printing Book #2' Uppercase letters today.

#1) Ask your child what the letter 'f' sounds like:

  • Optional: Listen to the letter f song from yesterday.

  • Have your child do their best to follow along with the words. As you say (ffffff), let your hands come together gently, as if an inflatable fish is deflating, and say ffffff.

#2) Print Capital Letter F - Find letter F in the uppercase letter book (page 1)

- Ensure they are holding their pencil properly

- Complete each row one by one.

- For the first row, encourage your child to stay inside the lines of the F

  1. Start at the dot and draw a straight line right down to the floor

  2. Take your pencil off the page and go back to the starting dot

  3. Draw a short line straight across the roof

  4. Take pencil off the page again

  5. Draw a short line across the dotted line

- For the second row, encourage them to write letter f, but stay inside the box

- For the coloring portion of the activity, encourage your child to color as neat as they can. -- stay in the lines, color all the spaces in the picture.

Take a picture of your child's work and upload it to Seesaw


- ALWAYS start at the dot

- I like to say that the rows that the students are printing on are like a house (SEE BELOW). Make sure you don't go through the roof or the floor! We want to stay inside the house.

Take a picture of your child's work and upload it to Seesaw



With an adult, count how many forks and spoons you have. Which pile has the most/least?

- Make sure you wash your hands

- When you put them back, make sure they are organized and sorted where they need to go.



  1. Go for a walk with someone special

  2. Move like transportation: Fly like a plane, chug like a train, race like a racecar. Move fast or slow.



Find a nice quiet place in your house. Get your flat teacher Mrs. R and read her a couple of your favorite stories!



Build a 'block city'. Build a city out of blocks. Make houses, stores, and other places you like to visit.


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